Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Theatrical act of suicide

Shocked. Absolute shock struck me as soon as a friend told me about a sad tragedy of an international student. Well, this happened almost a month ago--but still, the thought persists in my mind until now.

A boy was found hung in his bathroom, in a student apartment near Monash Caulfield campus. What made me notice him as much as I did was the fact that this boy is a Monash student, a business student. What's more, he is an Indonesian; which gave me more reason to lend him the attention he needed.

Whatever the reason behind his suicide, I still don't get why do some people can easily end their life. I think suicide is someone's attempt to make one's life more theatrical; that one tries to add something to his or her life that is worth remembering. But that's just one of the reasons... Sometimes, the true reasons are just pathetic: heartbroken, embarrassment, revenge, depression, ...

I believe, here are some of what Condescending Wonka would say regarding suicide:
(note: the next sentences aren't directed specifically to the boy I mentioned in the previous paragraph; rather, they refer to all people who killed themselves for silly reasons)

"Oh, you killed yourself because your parents didn't buy you a Blackberry? You must be getting that Blackberry in heaven now. Oh wait, I meant hell."

"Oh, you jumped off a bridge right after your boyfriend broke up with you? Your ex-boyfriend must be depressed, he'll jump off the bridge too instead of getting on with life."

"Oh, you stabbed yourself because you wanted to end the agony of life? You must be looking forward to experience the agony of hell."

I think people who killed themselves are pathetic, selfish and weak.

Pathetic because they waste God's greatest gift ever: life.

Selfish because they only think for themselves. That they are the one who should be pitied on. They don't feel grateful for what they have had. They compare themselves with people who have more than them instead of people who have less than them. A good example for this one is a teenager who killed herself because her parents didn't buy her the latest cellphone. She compared herself with her friends--who were economically capable to afford the cellphone--instead of the poor people in the deep land of Africa--who never had the slightest thought to buy a cellphone because they even didn't have enough money to eat, but still determine to survive. They are selfish because they don't think of people who love them. The girl forgot how her parents wanted to save the money for her future. The girl forgot her parents' comforting hugs when she feels sad, how her mother gives her goodnight kisses each day and how her father manages to draw a smile to greet his little girl every night despite the exhausting low paid labor he just did. More selfish. The girl even forgot how God loves her. How He gave her loving parents, a chance for having an education, enough food, able body parts, air. These people who end their life just as easy as that are selfish.

Weak because they accept their defeat just like that. You need courage to kill yourself, but you need greater courage to face life. Mind you people, your problem is not as big as the poor's struggle to figure out what they are going to eat tomorrow. Or as big as the homeless people's where they don't have a place that they could call 'home'. God didn't promise that life would be easy. Life is hard, so be tough. Who says that you won't have any problems once you're dead? You will face an endless problem once you kill yourself and die--a problem called hell.

Some people may think these opinions are silly and naive. Yes, I'm naive, I haven't been through those kinds of sufferings. The only thing I can do is to be grateful. Be grateful for each little thing that has happened in my life. That way, I would appreciate life more. And not ended up being depressed and commit suicide. And be proud of myself cause I'm not a pathetic selfish weakling who performs a theatrical act of suicide.

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