Saturday, January 17, 2015

We are the kindest species

They are savage. They devour human being. They are treacherous. Their all-conquering eyes dart right through your flesh, bones, and tissues. They are malicious. They've got tongues that are engulfed in flames. 

Are they some kind of hellacious animals that ready to pounce on an exposed flesh including some random lass’ juicy thighs? Is this all about zombies with supernatural powers? Unfortunately, no. They are the smartest being that have ever lived on earth. They can be gentle but simultaneously, ferocious. They're amiable but unmistakably belligerent too. 

They are two-legged creatures called humans.

We all know how smart humans are and how their brains are very much well-developed. What makes humans different than animals is purpose. Humans do things in order to achieve a certain purpose. Other trait that differs human from animals are feelings. Posh twentieth century discoveries might have discovered that animals, too, have feelings. However, show me an animal that can feel pity towards others of its kind and I will wrap up my Macbook Air and send it for your birthday gift. 

Humans have traits that make them any different from wild beasts. Humans are savage! We devour others of our kind! Yes, cannibalism has been the latest trend, my friend. A man stripped his clothes on a street then attacked and ate half of a homeless man's face. A friend gobbled up his housemate's heart and brain (please accept my apology for giving out such lurid details). Some world, huh? Seems like zombie apocalypse is imminent. But this isn't what I mean (ah, I could almost hear a sigh of relief; now you can keep that karate move of yours and keep it until the next zombie apocalypse comes). 

Human has an ability to take away the very being of other human. It isn't just one's body but one's whole being: pride, tenet, happiness, sense-of-self. Someday those who are close to you might even stab your back. Or even at your heart. Be it your colleague, mutual friend, childhood best friend, boy/girlfriend, or a family member. I heard of a saying once that the person who will hurt you the most is someone who is the closest to you. The closer you both are, the likeliest the chance that your friend would hurt you terribly. And if that ever happens, the word 'forgive' is usually out of your dictionary.

What often happens after the stabbing frenzy by your dear friend is that you halt yourself to a question, “Is this real?”

Then another question pops up. “What have I done wrong?”

Then an angry remark manifests itself within your loving heart. 
“I’ve given all my affection and trust and this is what they threw at me?”

And if that thought continue to exist, Mother Earth will lose another loving child. 

Humans are already bad enough. But hope in humanity persists. The first pars of this story were, indeed, rather gloomy. Yes, tales of humans’ misdeeds can be heard here and there...and, at most times, leaving us totally jaded and numb.

But here’s something that would cheer you up: more than once in a blue moon I encounter tales of random acts of kindness. Just last week I read in our national newspaper, how a courageous deed of a Muslim shopkeeper has helped a couple of Jews to dodge terrorists' bullets in France.  I firmly believe this phenomenon also happens across the world.

Being randomly helpful to a random and unknown person is nice and very much self-rewarding. You should try it yourself. By the time you put it into an action, you will discover more and more kind people around who are willing to give out their best smiles to you.

Humans are nice though.  

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